
In the article are considered various classifications of watercourses (according to the degree of technogenic transformation, length and area of the catchment basin), which are objects that are part of various specially protected natural territories within urban areas. The qualitative differences between the concepts of "rehabilitation" and "recovery" are determined. The choice of natural territories (the valleys of the Chermyanka River and the Gorodnya River and adjacent territories) used in the study is justified. The geoecological condition was assessed (climatic, hydrographic, geological, hydrogeological conditions of territories, landscape and geomorphological features of objects, the existing state of soil cover, surface waters and bottom sediments were considered,engineering-geological and geoecological processes and phenomena were identified) of the sections of the small rivers Chermyanka and Gorodnya on the territory of natural parks of the city of Moscow, as well as an analysis of the quality of existing measures for the ecological rehabilitation of the section of the Gorodnya River valley complex from Borisovskaya Dam to Lublinskaya Street, which were carried out more than 15 years ago. The authors have identified a certain number of problems related to the functioning of natural complexes of small rivers and their degradation due to negative natural processes that do not depend on human activity (waterlogging, silting), associated with the consequences of human stay near rivers (pollution of water bodies and territories) and not quite correctly applied methods of ecological rehabilitation of territories, as well as inherited degraded state of the natural complex. The authors provide recommendations for improving the effectiveness of measures to ensure a satisfactory geoecological condition of small rivers and developed a unified methodological concept of geoecological rehabilitation of natural territories within urbanized territories.

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