
This study reports on the driving behavior changes and drivers' neural activation modifications as a response to information stimulation in the form of tunnel-decorated interior walls during simulated driving, revealing the underlying mechanisms of action. 35 participants performed a simulation experiment consisting of a driving simulator experiment (29 participants) and an fMRI experiment (30 participants, including 24 participants duplicated across both experiments). The study protocol consisted of two scenarios (a baseline and a decorated interior wall scenario) in which participants performed the baseline scenario to initiate the first testing. The driving behavior data (drivers' attention and mental workload, longitudinal speed regulation, and lateral control stability) and drivers' neural activation data were recorded and analyzed for the whole experimental session. This study used repeated measures generalized linear models (GLM) and Statistical Parameter Mapping (SPM12) platforms for statistical analysis. The results indicate that: 1) a decorated interior wall does affect drivers' attention and mental workload significantly, and drivers' boredom, psychological burden, and crash risk are reduced under the information stimulus. The color and element complexity of decorated interior tunnel walls constitute crucial factors in this information regulation mechanism, strongly related to driver distraction; 2) Under the influence of tunnel interior walls decorated with longitudinal strips, the driver's spatial perception and imagination are significantly improved, reducing anxiety and fear associated with hitting the interior walls. The lateral stability of vehicle operation is improved; however, compared with vertical stripes decoration, the effect of the tunnel interior wall decorated with horizontal stripes on drivers' speed regulation is not great.

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