
Halal certification provides assurance that the product complies with Islamicreligious principles and can be safely consumed by Muslims. However, halal certificationis often only seen from a technical and legal point of view, without considering deeperaspects such as maqashid sharia and consumer confidence. This study aims to analyze theapplication of halal certification in the perspective of maqashid sharia and its impact onconsumer confidence in halal-certified MSME products in Bangkalan Regency.Researchers will use qualitative research methods to understand the concept of maqashidsharia, the principles of halal certification and the factors that influence consumerconfidence. Furthermore, researchers will conduct observations, interviews anddocumentation to the UTM Halal Center, halal-certified MSME businesses and localconsumers. The data collected will be analyzed to identify the relationship between theapplication of halal certification based on maqashid sharia principles on consumerconfidence in halal-certified MSME products in Bangkalan Regency. It is hoped that theresults of this study can help improve understanding of halal certification, the conceptof maqashid sharia, factors that influence consumer confidence, and can provide input forthe development of policies and business practices that are more in line with Islamicvalues and consumer needs.Keywords: Halal Certification, Maqashid Sharia, Trust, MSMEs

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