
The urban development generally will only be focused on certain areas as a center of business and government activities. This causes unbalanced situation at certain areas. The Government of Surabaya City then released Surabaya City’s Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD 2016-2021) which stated that the Surabaya City has a strategic area that has the potential to be developed sustainably to support the existence of the development of urban areas in the future. One of them is the integrated area of West Surabaya which located at Pakal and Benowo District. The changes of land value can be analyzed through Land Value Zone Map (ZNT) of 2016 as the beginning period of the RPJMD that has been overlaid with ZNT map of 2020 as the current land value condition and then visualized in thematic maps in the form of bar charts, choropleth and bivariate maps. From this study 66 new land value zones were produced according to land characteristics with the highest Average Indication Value (NIR) Zone in the RKB1 which is Rp 26.623.238/ m2 with range of NJOP Rp 23.000.000 - Rp 31.000.000.While the lowest zone is at KMP4 zone with NIR Rp 1.587.922/m2 and range of NJOP Rp 1.490.000 - Rp 1.655.000. Changes of land values in the districts of Pakal and Benowo as Integrated Areas of West Surabaya have increased significantly each year. The highest increase was in the RKB1 zone that located in Sememi Sub-district with 5537,724% of land value changes. While the lowest increase was in the KMP4 zone that located in Pakal Subdistricts with 50,5% of land value changes. Through buffering analysis of some publict fasilities objects in Pakal and Benowo Districts, it is known that the development carried out by the government of these objects affects the increase of land value around them.

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