
The present investigation emphasizes growth and instability of sugarcane in Maharashtra. Sugarcane is the important cash crop of the Maharashtra. An effort has been made in this study to examine the trends in area, production, productivity of sugarcane and to determine the factors which are contributing toward productivity of sugarcane in major sugar producing states of Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. It has been observed that area expansion has significantly contributed towards increased production of sugarcane but productivity has remained stagnant. it was found to be higher for Maharashtra than Uttar Pradesh. The data obtained from secondary sources were analysed to examine the factors which effect on the sugarcane acreage in Maharashtra state and Uttar Pradesh for analyse by using linear multiple regression based on Neronian Partial Adjustment Model. The present project attempts to study the trend and growth rates of Sugarcane production Maharashtra. The time series data on area, production and productivity of Sugarcane pertaining to the period 1950-51 to2022-23 were used for the study. useful information for further planning and corrective measures for future development of Maharashtra State. The area, production and productivity of sugarcane crop have been estimated in Maharashtra district. In this study we fit the linear regression model on the data and find the coefficient of model and fit the predictive model. Also, we check the multicollinearity in the data by VIF and find the ridge regression for the given data.

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