
The purpose of this study is to analyze the attitude of stakeholders towards sustainable tourism development in Lake Toba, Indonesia. The indicators used to measure stakeholder’s attitude were adopted from the United Nations World Tourism Organization and grouped into the human system and ecosystem categories. A total of 361 questionnaires were collected from several stakeholders of Lake Toba tourism. Stakeholders’ attitudes were analyzed by multiplying their level of trust in their level of importance to the tourism development indicators. The gap between trust and importance will be mapped on the importance-performance analysis diagram. The analysis indicated that the stakeholders' attitude is generally optimistic about the tourism development in Lake Toba. However, the level of optimism varies among stakeholders. Tourism entrepreneurs and workers have the lowest attitude value compared to local people and tourists. Also, stakeholders which have low income or whose income partly or most comes from the tourism industry or live in the Lake Toba Area are those in the key priority to consider. They provide the lowest level of trust but provide the highest level of importance in development. Decision-makers must give a more serious approach to these stakeholders to get maximum support.

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