
Everyone can make a speech, but not everyone can make a good and correct speech. Everyone needs to develop speaking skills in everyday life. Therefore, this research aims to describe the speaking skills of class VI students: a case study of SD Pedurungan Kidul 02 Semarang.This research was conducted at SD Negeri Pedurungan Kidul 02, Semarang City, Central Java. The data collected are qualitative in the form of narratives regarding the ability of speaking skills in delivering speeches, factors that influence speaking skills, and efforts to improve speaking skills in delivering opinions. The data sources used were primary data and secondary data. The data collection techniques used were observation, interview, test, and documentation. The results of this research are that the speaking skills of the three class VI students at SD Negeri Pedurungan Kidul 02 Semarang City are categorized as "low". This is shown based on the results of the three students. There are several indicators that are still not understood by students, namely indicators of pronunciation, fluency, and body gestures. Factors that can affect students' speaking skills are divided into supporting factors and inhibiting factors. Supporting factors include methods, models, learning media, student memorization, word selection, and pausing on punctuation. While the inhibiting factors are the existence of a person's pronunciation tool that is less than perfect and the lack of learning assistance to children.

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