
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze and describe the shift in form and meaning of the translation of political news, some aspect that affects the shift in form and meaning of the translated text from the source language, and recommends the news translation techniques that can be used as learning methods for Arabic-Indonesian or Indonesian-Arabic.
 Methodology: This research uses identity and distributional methods and data presentation methods using qualitative descriptive analysis. The theory referred to the shifting of form theory and the shifting of meaning theory.
 Main Findings: The results of this research identified that the shifting of form consisted 57 data of structure shift (64%), 18 data of class shift (20%), 14 data of unit shift (15%), 1 data of intrasystem shift (0,1%) and the shifting of meaning 16 data gain of information (27,5%), 26 data loss of information (45%), and 16 data skewing of information (27,5%). Translation techniques are identified as follows: structural shifts include passive into active, direct sentences into indirect sentences, explanation at the end into the explanation at the beginning, nominal sentences into verbal sentences and class shifts, for example, verb into a noun or adjective, and unit shift including the words into phrases and vice versa, phrase into clause and the change of the number of the sentence.
 Implications/ Applications: The aspects that affect the shift in the form and meaning of the text translation from the source text are the aspects of transfer which include linguistic aspects (lexical, syntactic, and textual) and extralinguistic aspects (cultural, thematic, and encyclopedic).
 Novelty/Originality of this study: The current study will analyse indonesiaalyoum.com to present ways of Introducing Arabic to Indonesia and the translation techniques to learn Arabic- Indonesian or Indonesian-Arabic. In addition, it will contribute to the existing literature by providing an overview regarding the forms and meaning of the translation of political news and aspects that affect the shift in meaning.

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