
The restaurant industry in Mexico generates a great economic benefit, especially Mexican food that generates a great impact worldwide due to the fact that it was named by UNESCO in 2010 as a cultural heritage of humanity, it is a recognition and an obligation of conservation. It is important to consider maintaining a good quality of service and timely detect areas of opportunity. If you want to improve the Mexican food restaurant sector, you have to start, in the first place, by addressing all the problems that commonly arise in establishments on a daily basis. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the perception and expectations of customers and identify the factors that impact the quality of the service received, taking the servqual model as a reference and thus propose initiatives to improve the quality of service in food restaurants. mexicana from the central zone of the state of Tlaxcala. The research focuses on the analysis of the quality of 4 Mexican food restaurants in the state of Tlaxcala located in the municipalities of; Apizaco, Chiautempan and Tlaxcala Capital, of which 60 surveys were applied to find out their expectations and perceptions. The research focuses on the analysis of the quality of 4 Mexican food restaurants in the state of Tlaxcala located in the municipalities of; Apizaco, Chiautempan and Tlaxcala Capital, of which 60 surveys were applied to find out their expectations and perceptions. The results showed negative gaps, the most critical variables regarding the differences between what the client expects and what he really receives are; responsiveness and empathy, however the differences are not so significant since most of the clients interviewed are satisfied with the service received.

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