
Since the Fukushima accident in 2011, more and more attention has been paid to nuclear reactor safety. A number of evolutionary passive systems have been developed to enhance the inherent safety of reactors. This paper presents a passive safety system applied on CPR1000, which is a traditional generation II+ reactor. The passive components selected are as follows: (1) the reactor makeup tanks (RMTs); (2) the advanced accumulators (A-ACCs); (3) the passive emergency feedwater system (PEFS); (4) the passive depressurization system (PDS); (5) the in-containment refueling water storage tank (IRWST). The model of the coolant system and the passive systems was established by utilizing a system code (RELAP5/MOD3.3). The SBLOCA (small-break loss of coolant) was analyzed to test the passive safety systems. When the SBLOCA occurred, the RMTs were initiated. The water in the RMTs was then injected into the pressure vessel. The RMTs’ low water level triggered the PDS, which depressurized the coolant system drastically. As the pressure of the coolant system decreased, the A-ACCs and the IRWST were put to work to prevent the uncovering of the core. The results show that, after the small-break loss-of-coolant accident, the passive systems can prevent uncovering of the core and guarantee the safety of the plant.

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