
The article deals with the analysis of radio communication systems based on performance indicators. It was established that modern complex radio communication systems cannot always be comprehensively characterized by one indicator. Evaluation by several indicators is more complete and more specific and allows to characterize various properties of the system. Optimization of the transmission system as a whole, i.e. taking into account encoding and decoding devices, is carried out on the basis of information theory.The most general evaluation of the efficiency of the communication system is the ratio of channel utilization by bandwidth (information efficiency). To ensure a given speed of information transmission and a given probability, it is necessary to spend some signal power and occupy a certain frequency band in the communication channel. What power and what frequency band will be needed depends on the communication system used.The efficiency of the information transmission system is evaluated by the coefficient of signal power utilization (energy efficiency) and the coefficient of channel bandwidth utilization (frequency efficiency). An increase in frequency efficiency requires an increase in energy costs (a decrease in energy efficiency).With high requirements for fidelity of transmission, it becomes expedient to use interference-resistant codes, which allow to increase energy efficiency in exchange for reducing the specific speed of information transmission. The simultaneous requirement of high speed and fidelity of information transmission in conditions of limited frequency and energy resources can be fulfilled by the joint use of multi-position signals and powerful interference-resistant codes.To assess the energy efficiency of radio communication systems, it is advisable to use the signal power utilization factor. The advantages of increasing energy efficiency are obvious: minimization of transmitter radiation power, improvement of electromagnetic compatibility of radio-electronic devices, increase of stealth of information transmission, minimization of energy consumption.

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