
Sixty-five Solanum tuberosum group Andigena, Phureja and Stenotomum genotypes from an initial population of 1,500 were analyzed for phenylpropanoids, carotenoids, and antioxidant capacity. Total phenolic content ranged from 3 to 49 mg g−1 DW, total carotenoids from 4.1 to 154 μg/g DW, anthocyanins from 0.27 to 34 mg g−1 DW and antioxidant capacity from 60 to 1,767 μmol TE/g DW. HPLC analysis of phenolic extracts revealed that 5-O-chlorogenic acid (5CGA) was the most abundant polyphenol in all genotypes. Ten genotypes were independently grown out for more in-depth phytonutrient analysis. The Phureja genotypes RN 27.01 had the highest polyphenol, anthocyanin and antioxidant content, while RN 39.05 had the highest carotenoid content. The tuber percentage dry matter varied markedly among the ten genotypes, influencing the phytonutrient values when expressed on a dry weight basis. Chlorogenic acid concentrations ranged from 1.7 to 29.4 mg g−1 DW and kaempferol-3-rutinose was present up to 3 mg g−1 DW. Petunidin-3-O-coum-rutinoside-5-O-glu or pelargonidin-3-O-coum-rutinoside-5-O-glu were the most abundant anthocyanins. The principal carotenoids were lutein, zeaxanthin, violaxanthin, and antheraxanthin, but no one carotenoid was predominant in all genotypes. These findings further support utilization of Phureja group germplasm for phytonutrient enhancement efforts.

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