
The study of the philosophy of human life on this earth is visualized in the behavioral patterns of the people in which they were born. Such behavior reflects the cultural pattern of the ancestors of the community which is passed down from generations. The concept of Sajatina Hirup was adopted from the journey of life that is applied among the community residing in the village of Mekar Wangi, Saketi District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province, Indonesia. The journey of life is illustrated in three parts, namely birth, life, and death. While Islamic’s point of view in life on this earth conditioned by habluminannas, habluminnallah, and habluminalam. The concept of Sajatina Hirup is expressed in Pencak Silat, in the salutation phase and the three Prasetya moves. It is also supported by the costumes in Pencak Silat which relfect deep philosophical values of human life. The Sundanese philosophy of life is analyzed based on the depth of the meanings contained in the presentation of the Prasetya moves.

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