
Children develop rapidly in various developmental areas during their pre-school period. Cognitive development, one of the developmental stages, is very important in the process of acquiring knowledge. Concept development is one of the areas that involves in cognitive development. Suitable to age and development level it begins few mounth after birth and continues lifelong. Concept of time is a sub section of concept development and is the foremost, difficult to acquire, concept. Because by its nature, it is an abstract concept. Perception of time in children is a very complex process and this process needs to be concretized and described according to the child’s developmental level for him/her to comprehend. Explanation of the Past Tense inside the story books that are prepared for this period are very important for describing the Past Tense, for children to develop the concept of time, and for the formation of early period understanding of history. In this research, visual objects and expressions from 178 story books that are used to explain past tense in preschool period are examined. The method of the research is determined to be document examination which is one of the qualitative research methods. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the research data. As a result of the research it was found that the expressions in the story books which are used to develop children’s perception of time were supportive to the schedule, published by Ministry of Education, of the concepts that should be taught to students by their teachers and the visual object were found inadequate. Ozet Okul oncesi donemde cocuk bircok gelisim alaninda hizli bir gelisim gosterir. Bu gelisim alanlarindan biri olan bilissel gelisim, bilgiyi ogrenme surecinde oldukca onemlidir. Bilissel gelisim alanlarindan biri olan kavram gelisimi cocugun yas ve gelisim duzeyine uygun olacak bicimde dogumdan sonraki ilk aylarda baslayip yasam boyu devam eder. Zaman kavrami, kavram gelisiminin alt boyutlarindan birisidir ve dogasi itibariyle soyut bir kavram oldugundan cocukta zor kazanilan kavramlarin basinda gelir. Cocukta zaman algisi oldukca karmasik bir surectir ve zamani algilayabilmesi icin surecin onun gelisim duzeyine uygun bicimde tasvir edilmesi ve somutlastirilmasi gerekir. Bu donem icin hazirlanan hikâye kitaplarinda gecmis zaman anlatimi, cocuga zaman kavraminin kazandirilmasi ve erken donem tarih algisinin olusturulmasi icin son derece onemlidir. Bu arastirmada; okul oncesi doneme yonelik hazirlanmis 178 hikâye kitabi gecmis zaman anlatimi icin kullanilan ifadeler ve gorsel objeler acisindan incelenmistir. Arastirmanin yontemi, nitel arastirma yontemlerinden dokuman incelemesi olarak belirlenmistir. Arastirma verilerinin cozumlenmesinde betimsel analiz kullanilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore analiz edilen hikaye kitaplarinda cocuklarda zaman algisinin kazanimina yonelik kullandiklari kavramlarin MEB tarafindan yayimlanan program kitabinda yer alan ve ogretmenler tarafindan kazandirilmasi gereken kavramlari destekler nitelikte oldugu, kullanilan gorsel objelerin yetersiz oldugu gorulmustur.

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