
Purpose. The purpose of the publication is the analysis and systematization of the main normative legal acts of Ukraine, which determine and regulate the state policy in the field of national and patriotic education. Method. The methodological basis of the study was a set of general scientific, special scientific and historical methods, as well as the principles of historicism and objectivity. Results. It was established that as of the beginning of 2023, more than two dozen legal acts regulating the procedure of national-patriotic education are in force. It is significant that the lion's share of them are Presidential Decrees. It is important that certain normative legal acts were adopted after 2014 and are a direct reaction to the occupation of Crimea and military actions in the East of Ukraine. According to content and object of influence, they can be divided into several blocks: 1) laws determining the legal status of state symbols, in particular the national language; 2) laws and decrees on the celebration of certain memorable dates from national history and honoring the victims of totalitarian regimes, military conflicts, etc.; 3) state strategies of national-patriotic education and relevant presidential decrees or government programs regarding their implementation; 4) laws emphasizing the educational component, the role of educational institutions, and even the personal responsibility of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers for the implementation of national-patriotic education. Scientific novelty. It is proposed that the improvement of state policy in the field of national-patriotic education can be achieved through: the commitment of scientists, representatives of local self-government bodies, and government officials to the process of forming a single categorical and conceptual apparatus, which will become a road map and allow streamlining measures for national-patriotic education; due to the development of the level of legal culture of the population, strengthened information policy; diversification of approaches to the organization of national-patriotic education, and activation of the participation of mass media, representatives of culture, cinematography, music, show business, study and implementation of international experience regarding the implementation of responsibility for denigrating the importance of national culture, history, traditions of state-building; consideration of the issue of national-patriotic education as an element of national security. Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in further legal studies, work of local and state authorities, which are responsible for the implementation of state policy in the field of national-patriotic education.

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