
Purpose. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive study of public authorities of the Western Ukraine, their legal status and legal basis. Methods. The methodological basis of the study was a set of general scientific, special scientific and historical methods, as well as the principles of historicism and objectivity. The key was the method of historical retrospective, which allowed to determine the features and legal basis for the formation of public authorities of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic. Results. It is established that the government of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic has carried out a large amount of work to create its own system of state bodies. The convening of the Constituent Assembly and the Ukrainian National Council began with the organizational design. The legal basis for the activities of public authorities in the early stages of Western Ukraine was the legal framework of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, which was later amended and supplemented by a number of regulations, decrees, orders of the Ukrainian National Council, the State Secretariat. Own legislative and executive bodies were created, as well as the judiciary was reformed. Given the lack of time and circumstances of the Polish-Ukrainian war, it was decided to accept Austrian law, as well as to leave the positions of civil servants and judges who agreed to work for the Western Ukraine. This gives grounds to say that at the legislative level the government of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic has coped with the task of creating its own system of public authorities, although in practical terms, it has been implemented only partially. Scientific novelty. The analysis of legal bases of the organization and competence of public authorities of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic is given. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in further historical and legal research, preparation of special courses.

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