
One of the main contributions of this paper is to show that contrary to the common belief Tchebichef moments are more sensitive to noise added to the image than Zernike moments. We show this by imposing different types and levels of noise on various images and measuring the error due to the added noise alone after image reconstruction. To calculate the error due to added noise alone, the image reconstruction error is subtracted from the total error, which initially includes both reconstruction and added noise errors. Another contribution of this paper is to present some analysis and compare the reconstruction capability of Tchebichef moments to that of Zernike and Legendre moments in noise free environments independent of the image used. We show this by spectrally analyzing the performance of Tchebichef, Legendre, and Zernike moments using single frequency images. Here the total reconstruction error of an arbitrary image is equal to the integration of the spectral errors, whose transfer functions are calculated using single frequency images, for all frequencies.

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