
This study aims to xplore and describe the representation of naturalist intelligence in first grade students’ book theme 7: Around Me, by Sonya Sinyanyuri and Lubna Assagaf with four sub-themes, 1) Living and Non-living Things Around Us, 2) Animals Around Me, 3) Plants Around Me, 4) Shape, Color, Size, and Surface. This is a qualitative research with content analysis design. The research object is natural intellegencies in the textbook. This data collection used the documentation study technique with an observation sheet. The data analysis technique was carried out interactively, referring to Miles and Huberman through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research procedure begins with understanding and reading each element contained in the book, matching each statement in the book with a checklist sheet according to the naturalist intelligence indicator, giving a score in the range 1 to 4, calculating the total score for each indicator, calculating the percentage of gain, and categorizing it according to the criteria. : is very good (81% - 100%), good (61% - 80%), moderate (41% - 60%), bad (21% - 40%), and very bad (0% - 20%). The validity of the data is carried out by researcher tringulation and the persistence of observations. The results showed that the indicators are interested in the natural environment; able to recognize the characteristics of objects and animals in detail; able to distinguish natural objects according to characteristics; likes to raise plants and animals; and likes observe, recognize, interact, or care about objects, plants, or animals found in student books with a percentage of 85%, which is high. In each sub-theme, there was learning that refers to naturalist intelligence. So, the materials in this student book are very suitable in developing naturalist intelligence. The student books can be used in instilling the sensitivity of elementary school students in appreciating and being kind to the surrounding environment. This book can equip students to be ready to take care of the earth and be able to face challenges in terms of physical, technological, and economic development. Suggestions in using this book, for teachers, in using the book students should apply all the activities that have been presented, while still emphasizing the process or observation. Further research still needs to be done for the same problem in different subjects or relevant research to be used as input or comparison with this research.

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