
Bali Province has an area of 5,636.66 km2 or 0.29% of the area of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Transportation in the Province of Bali is quite unique because the Province of Bali is a connecting road between the islands of Java and Nusa Tenggara and there is almost no public transportation, this causes transportation in the Province of Bali to be quite busy. Bali Province consists of 57 Districts. Transportation in the Province of Bali is the lifeblood and an important part in terms of supporting development that has economic, social and strategic values which are expected to be able to provide services that benefit the wider community. In addition, transportation also greatly influences the direction of development of the Province of Bali in the future, if there are good transportation facilities and infrastructure between sub-districts, development will be faster and easier to carry out. The literature study used in the connectivity analysis in this study used the literature from Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue in his book which discusses Transportation and Accessibility. In the book Rodrigue (2020) mentions Accessibility is a key element in transportation geography and geography in general because it is a direct expression of mobility in terms of people, goods or information.

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