In conjunction with the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin, Exponent conducted an analysis of storm surge inundation at a nuclear plant operated by South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company. The analysis predicted probable maximum storm surge using the Advanced Circulation Model with the latest available topographic and bathymetric elevation data for the Texas Gulf Coast. The model was linked to another computer program to calculate wave-induced setup. To simplify specification of accurate tide and hurricane storm surge boundaries, the Gulf of Mexico and a portion of the Atlantic Ocean were included in the computational mesh. Features like levees, floodwalls, railroads, and raised highways were also carefully incorporated into the model. The most conservative combination of storm scenarios in terms of features that contribute most to amplification of storm surge height were then selected for the model runs. This paper presents the maximum storm surge levels estimated at the site by the two combined models as a function of various storm features. BACKGROUND At the request of South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC), Exponent Failure Analysis Associates (Exponent) conducted a confirmatory analysis of storm surge inundation at the plant site located near Wadsworth, Texas. This confirmatory analysis was performed in response to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requesting that STPNOC confirm previous design bases of the Probable Maximum Storm Surge (PMSS). The design bases for the PMSS event were based on a conservative approach with input from appropriate Probable Maximum Hurricane models. Estimation of the PMSS was required as part of the application process that STPNOC undertook for obtaining a license to construct and to operate two new reactor units at the site, referred to as STP 3 & 4. To ensure that current best practices were reflected in the original PMSS predictions for STP 3 & 4, STPNOC subsequently directed Exponent to conduct the confirmatory analysis using the Advanced Circulation Model (ADCIRC) with the latest available digital elevation maps. Exponent conducted this analysis in conjunction with the
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