Gestational diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder caused by mild or severe carbohydrate intolerance, which is first known during pregnancy. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) increases maternal, fatal and perinatal morbidity and mortality and increases the risk of developing DM. Epidemiological data show 14% of pregnancies accompanied by gestational diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this study was to analyse the incidence of maternal and perinatal labour complications in mothers with gestational diabetes. The type of research carried out is analytical research with Case Control research design. The population of this study was all women who gave birth in the city of Padang Hospital in 2017, with a total sample of 65 mothers with no diabetes mellitus, and 65 samples of mothers with diabetes mellitus. Research implementation ± 6 months. The data obtained are secondary data, where the data is obtained from the 2017 Labour Medical Record data at Padang City Hospital. Data analysis using univariate analysis, bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis with Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results showed univariate analysis at age: No risk 104 people (80%) and at risk 26 people (20%), Gravida: Primiparous 46 people (35.4%), Multiparous 64 people (49.2), grandemultiparous 20 people ( 15.4), Maternal Labor Complication: Normal 58 people (44.6%), Complications 72 people (55.4%), Perinatal Labor Complication: Normal 92 babies (70.8%), Complications 38 babies (29, 2%), Infant Weight: range 2500-3500 grams as many as 93 babies (71.5%),> 3500 grams as many as 19 babies (14.6%), <2500 grams 18 babies (13.8%), average Maternal weight is 66.70 kg. There was no relationship between Gestational Diabetes with age p value = 0.661, there was no relationship between Gestational Diabetes and Parity p value = 0.798, there was no relationship between Gestational Diabetes and Maternal Weight p value = 0.190, there is a relationship between Gestational diabetes and infant weight obtained p value = 0.039. There was a relationship between Gestational Diabetes and Complication of Maternal Labor p value = 0,000, There is a relationship between Gestational Diabetes and Complication of Pernatal Labor with p value = 0.054. There is interaction between Gestational Diabetes and Complication of Maternal Labor with OR value in maternal labor complication = 2.904. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that mothers with gestational diabetes have 2.9 times the chance of experiencing complications in childbirth. Therefore, you should be able to do a GDM screening examination, and pregnant women can plan for childbirth and prevent childbirth complications to reduce maternal and infant mortality.
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