
Biofouling development is a major problem in bilvave aquaculture around the world. The purpose of this study was to obtain macro nutrient analysis data for organic fertilizer from pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima L) biofouling waste. Where is the manufacture of solid organic fertilizer products that have quality equivalent to other commercial organic fertilizers by utilizing pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima L.) biofouling waste so that high quality solid organic fertilizers are produced which are in accordance with the Quality Standards for solid organic fertilizers and the Indonesian National Standard. Organic fertilizer from pearl oyster biofouling waste is obtained by using pearl oyster biofouling waste which is taken from the results of cleaning microorganisms attached to the pearl oyster shell area. Another major concern regarding biofouling is the potential for food competition caused by the attachment of the filter-feeder. Besides, the waste of biofouling pearl oysters is extracted and soaked in fresh water for one week at a time. Afterward, the pearl oyster biofouling waste is dried in the sun to dry, odorless, blackish brown in color. Analysis of macro nutrient content using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. The results of the analysis of macro nutrient content were Water Content (5.76%), C (14.48%), Organic Matter (24%), N-total (0.92%), P-total (0, 25%), K-total (1.02%), C/N ratio (15.72).

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