
Media campaigns are designed to attract the attention of their audience, including through animated music video media. In an animated music video, the delivery of messages is combined through narration, characters and music. This research discusses "Sabda Alam", an animated music video about protection for endemic Indonesian birds. This animated music video is the final work of the students of SMK Raden Umar Said (RUS) Kudus which received appreciation at the Balinale International Film Festival 2021. The visualization of endemic bird life presented in "Sabda Alam" is an illustration of the existence of wild animals in relation to nature and humans as an effort to survive in their habitat. The visualization of these endemic birds is interesting to study as messages packaged through visualization structured nonverbal. The analysis in this study uses qualitative methods with a nonverbal communication theory approach, namely kinesic studies related to visualization as a language of movement, and proxemic studies as visualization of space which becomes the setting of the narrative. The results of the study explain that there is an arrangement of facial and postural signs in the sign structure kinesic, in the form of character expression and bird appearance. Meanwhile, in the proxemic sign structure, signs are presented through the relationship between the character of the bird and the time and space of events. The relationship between kinesic and proxemic signs structure is proven to represent messages about the importance of protecting endangered wild animals. This research can be an academic reference in the field of visual communication design, especially the sensitivity to read visual signs as messages.

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