
Marine and coastal areas are very important sectors for community, so they should be used in an integrated manner to maintain their sustainability. Coastal resources management can be initiated not only by the government but also by the local community. One example of coastal resource management initiated by the local community is eha and mane’e located in Kakorotan, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Eha comprise a set of rules governing the harvest of crops of both marine and land. Mane’e is the fish harvest ceremony using sammi rope one year after the marine Eha ceremony. Both local wisdoms (eha and mane’e) are held to keep the preservation of natural resources and assemble people to live together. This study aims to analyze the institutional elements of both marine eha and mane’e in the management of community-based coastal resources. This study analyzed the elements of natural resource management proposed by Ruddle (The role of local management and knowledge systems in small-scale fisheries, 1999) as territorials, rules, rights, authority, sanctions, as well as monitoring and evaluation. Based on this research, the performance of marine eha and mane’e in coastal resource management is effective and runs well.

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