
This review shares lessons learned from the establishment of early marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Philippines about the need to establish baseline information, do systematic monitoring of the status of the marine environment, and to progress towards more integrated forms of management that involve key stakeholders in coastal areas. The tendency for human society to change its perception of what is “normal” through the phenomena of “shifting baselines” is pointed to as a reason why more concerted action is not taken to stop the downward trends of Philippine coastal resources and environment. The small MPAs of Apo, Sumilon and Olango Islands as well as the large Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, are cited as examples of how the establishment of baselines and the implementation of effective monitoring over time for both biophysical and governance parameters, has been instrumental in maintaining and improving the quality of the marine environment and bringing benefits to people. The development of integrated coastal management and coastal resource management programs within local government units is explained as a way of harnessing local institutions to lead the way towards improved management and stewardship of coastal resources and provide tangible benefits to coastal communities. And, the role of national government is highlighted as a facilitator and a source of technical support to local governments in the implementation of marine conservation and coastal resources management. Finally, the significant influence of Dr. Angel Alcala in marine conservation in the Philippines is noted through his research and related conservation efforts for small-island and fisheries management and his mode of sharing results with local communities and governments so that they could learn from their own mistakes and successes and become better stewards of their resources. KEYWORDS: Apo, community, coral reefs, Sumilon, tourism, Tubbataha

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