
This study aims to analyze household income and expenditure and the level of food security of fishermen's households in Term District, Bireuen Regency. This research was conducted in the District of Term, Bireuen Regency. Determination of the research location is done purposively. The population in this study were all fishermen in the District of Jangka. The sampling method uses the Accidental Sampling technique, which is the technique of making a sample by chance. The analysis carried out is to analyze the income and expenditure of fishermen's households and analyze the level of resilience. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the average income of fishermen's households originating from fishing business activities was Rp. 4,406,329/month, from a side business of Rp. 1,578,145, and sourced from family opinion 3,106,076. Meanwhile, household expenditure is IDR 2,633,139/month. The share of fisherman household expenditure is 53.7% and is in the food security category.

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