
This paper evaluates the characteristics of international bridge formulas developed and implemented by different countries and analyzes the imposed bridge load effects resulting from trucks complying with international bridge formula–allowable loads and truck size and weight regulations in Europe. This evaluation was done to identify issues that may need to be considered in the development of a European bridge formula for the regulation of truck size and weight limits associated with international travel between European Union member states. Differences in national weight limits in European Union countries and the increasing demand for larger and heavier vehicles bring about the need to ensure the structural integrity and service life of bridges. Bridge formulas provide a method for regulating truck weights while ensuring the sustainability of infrastructure by allowing vehicle configurations that have an acceptable load effect on structures. This method allows for long-term truck size and weight evolutions for productivity gains while preserving the existing stock of bridges. The level of efficiency of a bridge formula varies depending on the design criteria used in the development of the formula, the compatibility of the jurisdiction's infrastructure and truck fleet characteristics, and the method of implementation as part of the regulation and by operators in the trucking industry. This research can help guide the development of a European bridge formula and contributes new knowledge for countries that currently apply a bridge formula to regulate truck weights.

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