
The objective of the study was to evaluate interaction effect of genotype and dam’s litter size on selected productive traits of origin Czech sheep breeds. The data was provided by the Union of Sheep and Goat Breeders in the Czech Republic and contained the whole active purebred population of Wallachian and Sumava sheep in the Czech Republic in 2015. Selected productive traits with affiliation to ewes ‘reproductive and lambs’ growth performance were analyzed. Statistical evaluation of was conducted using SAS 9.3. (SAS/STAT® 9.3., 2011), GLM procedure. No significant differences were detected among Wallachian sheep regardless theirs litter size. Significantly lower total number of lambs born (−0.26 to −0.30 lamb) or reared at 14 days (−0.15 to −0.21 lamb) and 100 days (−0.24 to −0.27 lamb) of age per ewe per lambing were observed in groups of Sumava sheep born as singles and twins in comparison to triplets and quadruplets group. Similarly, Sumava sheep of single and twins reached significantly lower total number of lambs born (−0.23 to −0.34 lamb) or reared at 14 days (−0.22 to −0.33 lamb) and 100 days (−0.28 to −0.41 lamb) of age per ewe per lambing to Wallachian sheep regardless their dam’s litter size. No significant decrease of group of Sumava sheep born as triplets and quadruplets was detected in comparison to Wallachian sheep. Moreover, higher (+2.6 kg, P < 0.05) total live weight of lambs at 100 days of age from total number of lambs reared at 100 days of age per ewe was detected in group of Sumava born as triplets and quadruplets in comparison to group of Wallachian sheep born as twins. Both sheep breeds are useable in the crossing with other sheep breeds in specified conditions. Results of presented study suggested also potential aim breeding process in Sumava sheep.

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