
ABSTRACTReproductive performance, body growth, wool production and ewe survival were examined in Scottish Blackface sheep. The data set was from a large randomly selected population maintained under hill conditions between 1954 and 1974. Paternal half-sib analyses of variance were used to estimate heritabilities and genetic correlations, while maternal half-sib analyses of variance indicated the relative importance of maternal effects (both genetic and environmental).Among reproductive components, the heritability of fertility (ewes lambing per ewe mated) and lamb survival (lambs weaned per lamb born) were about zero. Litter size (lambs born per ewe lambing) had an estimated heritability of 0·12 (s.e. 0·04) and a repeatability of 0·22 (s.e. 0·02), indicating some scope for improvement. Additionally, the strong genetic correlation between adult body weight and litter size (0·66, s.e. 0·18) suggested greater response from a combination of indirect selection (on body weight) and direct selection (on dam's litter size). Prior to weaning, direct genetic effects on body weight were very small (heritability less than 0·1) with a large influence of maternal environment. After weaning, these maternal influences gradually diminished and the heritability of weight increased. Genetic correlations between body weights showed a similar increasing trend with age. Genetic improvement of early growth rate would be more effective by selecting on a post-weaning rather than a pre-weaning body weight. Fleece weight had a high heritability (about 0·5) but was genetically uncorrelated with other measures of performance. Ewe survival had a small genetic component although estimates of heritability were very imprecise.

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