
Fishery-independent surveys are an important source of information for stock assessment and management worldwide. Research surveys often use trawl gear to capture commercially valuable species and calculate indices of relative abundance or density. However, many species of interest do not occur in direct contact with the bottom, or occur in areas where high-relief habitat precludes trawl operation. This paper introduces a standardized hook and line survey for rockfish conducted by NOAA Fisheries’ Northwest Fisheries Science Center in the Southern California Bight. The survey uses fishing gear similar to that used in many recreational fisheries to sample approximately 120 locations covering a wide range of depths and habitats. To provide an example of how these data can be analyzed for direct inclusion in stock assessments, we standardize catch rates of bocaccio rockfish from 2004–2008 using a Bayesian Generalized Linear Model to account for site, fishing time, survey vessel, angler, and other statistically significant effects. Results indicate that the bocaccio stock vulnerable to this survey in the Southern California Bight has shown a relatively flat trend over recent years. Length frequency distributions indicate the presence of several strong cohorts that should be detectable in future stock assessments of bocaccio for use in U.S. West Coast groundfish management. This survey is the only available tuning index for the adult portion of the bocaccio population in recent years as historically used recreational catch per unit effort indices have been compromised due to changes in bag limits and other management restrictions.

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