
This article analyzes the results of foreign and domestic scientists in the field of labor migration and the factors of this phenomenon. Based on previous researches, factors have been grouped into four main categories, which include all areas of life of existing and potential migrants, such as economic and political, social and climatic. Labor migration is constantly growing. Thus, according to the UN estimates, the number of migrant workers in the world in 2019 amounted to 272 million people, ie 3.5 % of the population, compared to 2010, the figure increased by 56.25 %. Such significant migration movements lead to a global imbalance in the labor market. This proves that the study of this type of migration as labor is relevant, especially the study of the factors that cause migratory flows. The situation in Ukraine, along with world indicators, has a positive trend compared to previous years. Data from the State Statistics Service show an increase in labor migration by 44.4 % between 2016 and 2019. The UN report estimates 5 million people in 2019 who found a job abroad and recognizes Ukraine as one of the leaders in the number of emigrants. This has led to significant losses of human capital (including “brain drain”). Thus, in 2019, Ukraine’s losses from emigrants, including scientists and highly qualified specialists, are estimated at more than 1 billion dollars. Among the donor countries of Ukrainian migrants, the leaders are Poland, EU countries and Russia. This is mainly due to geographical factors and a higher economic level of development of states, compared to Ukraine. The article will also analyze the main factors identified by the state as key in labor flows based on the Labor Flow Management Strategy for 2025, approved in 2019. In the course of the analysis of this strategy, the basic methods of struggle of the state from the viewpoint of the power were defined. Thus, wages and political instability have been identified as key factors that negatively affect migration. Based on the obtained results, recommendations were developed for a more effective settlement of labor emigration issues in Ukraine.

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