
Application of geospatial technologies in criminological study is most relevant in present day context. Crime mapping with the help of Geographical Information System is being a very useful tool for the law enforcement agencies to make proper visualization and take strategic modus operandi to reduce criminal offence. “Eveteasing” in public places by men is one of the very common social issue exist in Indian society. Despite new laws and other measures of increased surveillance after ‘Nirvaya Case’, India, sexual harassment against women has continue and increased. More and more engaged in education sector, employment sector may provide opportunities to the offender to tease women in public place in roads, trains and buses everyday even in broad day light. Such public nuisance sometimes results in shocking consequence like acid attacks and rape. Present study tries to apply contemporary approaches and uses geospatial tools for spatial analysis and mapping of potential eve-teasing prone areas, its severity and potential risk factors in selected urban area. The study also focuses on offenders’ decision making strategies to commit crime. ‘Rapid Assessment Methodology’ has been applied to the young school and college going female students and working women to understand the nature and pattern of eve-teasing in the selected urban area. We run explanatory factor analysis to identify potential risk factors and thereafter apply Analytical Hierarchy Process to identify which potential risk factors responsible for enhancing an area to be an eve-teasing prone area by examining issues within socio-environmental perspectives and do crime mapping using Geographical Information System and provide some Crime Prevention measures for the stakeholders. This study has larger implications for crime prevention in public places and enhanced policy making process to alleviate such social nuisance.

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