
Abstract With the aim to improve classical paramagnetic salts performances for adiabatic magnetization refrigeration processes, relevant thermodynamic parameters of recently discovered very heavy fermion Yb-based intermetallic compounds are investigated within the sub-Kelvin range of temperature. Focusing on fixed thermal points, required for e.g. photonic devices operating within the 100 mK range in orbital satellites, the nature of respective magnetic ground states are discussed together with the effect of an 'entropy bottleneck' imposed by the Nernst postulate the entropy S(T) trajectories. To gain insight into the main criteria for a proper choice of suitable materials for alternative applications, thermomagnetic S(T,B) trajectories and respective derivatives: δS/δT and δS/δB, are analyzed as key parameters for this magnetocaloric process and compared with those from the classical salt Cerium-Magnesium-Nitride (CMN).

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