
In the paper “Analysis of entrepreneurial activity and digital technologies in business” we consider the typologies of economies proposed by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research project. According to this typology, countries are subdivided into groups with a factor-driven economy, an efficiency-driven economy and an innovation-driven economy. We also consider indicators of entrepreneurial activity in various countries: the level of activity of emerging entrepreneurs; activity level of new business owners; total early-stage entrepreneurial activity (TEA); the level of activity of established entrepreneurs; the level of exit from the business. We also consider the reasons for going out of business, the key ones being: business unprofitability, and this indicator is the main one both in the Russian Federation and in countries with an innovation-driven economy and a factor-driven economy. Along with these reasons, we can also add the following: the possibility of another employment as an employee, various personal reasons, pre-planned exit from business, lack of access to financing business, some element of chance, the possibility of selling the business, and the presence of bureaucracy and tax burden. The article analyzes the state of entrepreneurship in general by a number of indicators, including the ratio of early entrepreneurs (emerging entrepreneurs and owners of new businesses) and established entrepreneurs. The authors consider the impact of digital technologies on business, the role and importance of digital technologies in the process of supporting small and medium-sized businesses.

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