
In compression of neck cases with faint or absent ligature mark on the neck and with minimal internal findings it may be difficult to opine about the cause and manner of death. Many times, in forensic practice, cases occur where there is allegation from maternal side of married woman particularly in cases of dowry deaths, where relatives claim that it is a case of post-mortem hanging. In such cases there is importance of clubbing the gross findings. These findings may be helpful in arriving at conclusions in such unsolved and doubtful cases. The present study was conducted in Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology of a Government Medical College and Hospital in year 2017. Total 2781 postmortem examinations were conducted in 2017. Out of that total 2781 cases, 176 compression of neck cases came for postmortem and amongst these 105 cases were studied in detail as per inclusion criteria. Out of 105 cases of compression around neck, which were studied, there were 93 cases of hanging, 10 cases of ligature strangulation, 01 case of manual strangulation and 01 case of accidental strangulation studied. Out of total 105 cases, 66 were males and 39 were females. In this study maximum cases of neck compression were observed in 21 to 30 years age group (30 cases). Intimal tear of carotid artery was observed in 11 cases of hanging and no carotid artery intimal tear was found in case of strangulation. In the present study, fracture of hyoid bone alone was found in total 11 cases of which 06 cases were in hanging, 05 cases were in strangulation. Fracture of thyroid cartilage was found in 03 cases of which 02 cases were of strangulation and 01 case of throttling. No case of cricoid cartilage fracture either alone or in combination to fracture of throat skeleton was observed in the present study.

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