
Saturn’s F ring is subject to dynamic structural changes over short periods. Among the observed phenomena are diffuse extended bright clumps (ECs) ∼3–40° in longitudinal extent. These ECs appear, evolve, and disappear over a span of days to months. ECs have been seen by the two Voyager spacecraft, the Cassini Orbiter, and various ground- and space-based telescopes. Showalter (Showalter, M.R. [2004]. Icarus 171, 356–371) analyzed all Voyager images of the F ring and found that there were 2–3 major and 20–40 minor ECs present in the ring at any given time. We expand upon these results by comparing the ECs seen by Voyager to those seen by Cassini in 2004–2010. We find that the number of minor ECs has stayed roughly constant and the ECs have similar distributions of angular width, absolute brightness, and semimajor axis. However, the common exceptionally bright ECs seen by Voyager are now exceedingly rare, with only two instances seen by Cassini in the 6years, and they are now also much dimmer relative to the mean ring background. We hypothesize that these bright ECs are caused by the repeated impacts of small moonlets with the F ring core, and that these moonlets have decreased in number in the 25years between missions.

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