
Abstract. Traffic injuries are one of the main causes of death of children and youngpeople. About 3,700 people die in traffic accidents worldwide in one day.The aim of the research – to verify the clinical and anatomical characteristics of injuriesresulting from traffic accidents in the conditions of a regional city. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 242 cases of victims who were injuredas a result of a traffic accident and were treated in the emergency medical hospital ofChernivtsi from 2019 to 2020 was conducted. The research array was formed by themethod of irreversible randomization using the methodology of random numbers.Results. As a result of the study, it was established that the head – 75.62 %, the limbs –55.79 %, and the chest – 42.56 % are most often injured in road accidents. In the array ofvictims who survived, a similar rank distribution of victims is observed, and the specificgravity indicators are close in value. In the array of victims, there is a difference in ranking:the head and neck are most often injured – 88.23 %, the pelvis – 70.59 %, and the chest –64.71 %. In drivers, the cranial component is observed in 65.91 %, in passengers – in76.14 %, in pedestrians – in 87.88 % (the first ranking place). Abdomen and pelvis arethe least frequently injured in drivers – 15.91 % each, in passengers – pelvis, 12.50 %,and in pedestrians – abdomen, 18.18 %. In all groups of traffic participants who died, thecoefficient of combination of damages is higher than in the victims who survived, but thisindicator is different in each group. The highest mortality in cranial injuries is observed inpassengers – 10.45 %, vertebral injuries – in pedestrians, 16.67 %, thoracic injuries – ina group of pedestrians, 12.12 %, abdominal injuries – in pedestrians, 33.33 %, in the case ofpelvis injuries – in pedestrians, 42.86 %, in the case of limb injuries – in passengers, 5.56 %.Conclusions. 1. Clinical and anatomical characteristics: victims of traffic accidents havea different frequency of damage to specific anatomical and functional areas. The headis most often injured in victims – 75.62 %, limbs – 55.79 % and chest – 42.56 %. 2.The occurrence of a negative outcome in the course of the traumatic process probablydepends on the damaged clinical and anatomical area and the sign of participation in themovement. The highest mortality is observed in pedestrians, drivers and passengers dueto the pelvis damage(42.86 %, 28.57 % and 18.18 %, respectively). 3. Injuries in victimsof traffic accidents have a multi- component nature. The highest combination ratio fordead pedestrians is 4.17, and the lowest for surviving drivers is 2.06.

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