Abstract. Road tra ffi c injury, like other types of traumatic injuries, has a rather complex clinical characteristic and is multicomponent. The purpose of the study: To verify and form the clinical characteristics of injuries in victims of tra ffi c accidents in the conditions of a regional city. Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of 242 cases of victims who were injured as a result of a traffi c accident and were treated in the emergency medical hospital of Chernivtsi from 2019 to 2020 was conducted. The research array was formed by the method of irreversible randomization using the methodology of random numbers. The results. As a result of the study, it was found that in the conditions of the regional city, 66.11 % of the victims of road accidents receive an injury with a severity of damage of more than 16 points according to the standardized scoring system NISS, i. e. polytrauma. In the general array of the study, the highest mortality rate was recorded in victims with an injury severity of 45-75 points and 34-45 points (33.34 % and 30.30 %, respectively). Among drivers, damage with a severity of up to 24 points according to the standardized scoring system NISS (light injury) is 76.13 %, among passengers – 67.04 %, and among pedestrians – 51.51 %. Severe (35-44 points) and extremely severe injury (45-75 points) together have the same weight: for drivers – 10.23 %, for passengers – 13.64 %, for pedestrians – 31.82 %, i. e. pedestrians receive more serious injuries, and the sign of participation in traffi c has a probable infl uence on the severity of injuries in victims of tra ffi c accidents. Pedestrian survivors have the highest number of injuries with NISS severity of 16-24 points – 39.62 %, drivers and passengers – up to 16 points (46.83 % and 42.85 %, respectively). In the array of dead pedestrians and passengers, the highest specifi c weight is given to victims with a severity of 45-75 points (38.46 % and 36.37 %, respectively), and drivers with a severity of damage of 35-44 points – 33.34 %, that is, a sign of participation in traffi c and the severity of damage have a probable infl uence on the occurrence of a negative result of the course of the traumatic process. Conclusions. For the victims of road accidents in the conditions of the regional city, in general, a relatively mild injury is characteristic – up to 34 points, 82.65 %, and an injury up to 16 points is 33.89 %. It was established that the severity of damage depends on the sign of participation in tra ffi c: the most severe injuries are sustained by pedestrians (specifi c weight of severe and extremely severe injuries – 31.82 %), the least severe – drivers, 10.23 %. It was established that the severity of damage in victims of traffi c accidents in the conditions of a regional city obviously depends on participation in traffi c and is a signifi cant factor in the occurrence of mortality.
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