
The research, entitled Analysis of Business Plan Preparation Applications as an Effort to Achieve Business Success for Kediri City Entrepreneurs is a descriptive research, this study examines efforts to achieve business success through the preparation of a business plan. The application for the preparation of a business plan prepared by entrepreneurs Kediri city includes aspects of customer segments, customer relations, bargaining value, promotions, main resources, main activities, relationships with partners and sources of income for entrepreneurs. The population that became the respondents in this study was obtained from the results of the competition for the leading entrepreneur in Kediri city were 100 respondents. The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the types of businesses found in Kediri city in terms of the results of the preparation of business plans for business practitioner in Kediri city, (2) the market segment that became the customer service orientation of the business practitioners in Kediri city, (3) the types of business promotions carried out by Kediri City entrepreneurs, (4) The way Kediri business practitioner in fostering relationships with customers, (5) Types of advantages/bargaining power provided by Kediri City entrepreneurs to consumers/customers, (6) Sources needed by business practitioners in Kediri city, (7) business partners for business practitioners in the city of Kediri, (8) sources of income from whatever is obtained from business practitioners Kediri city. Data analysis technique is qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study indicate that: (1) The types of businesses in the City of Kediri are in the fields of food, beverages, accessories, souvenirs, educational institution services, beauty services, batik, weaving, tailoring, Muslim clothing, t-shirt producing; (2) The market segments as costumer service orientation of the leading business practitioners in Kediri City are mostly adult and adolescent consumers; (3) the most business promotions are exhibitions, online media, social media, banners, business cards, brochures and direct selling; (4) Planning to build relationships with customers through intensive communication with customers, after-sales service and making membership cards (members); (5) The most advantage/bargaining power is to provide excellent service, affordable prices, quality products; (6) the most resource requirements planned are capital, labour, raw materials and equipment; (7) Most Business Partners are Government Agencies and supported by other partners; and (8) The source of income is from the sale of products and from several other sources of income as addition. Keywords: Business plan, customer segment, promotion, bargaining value, business partner.

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