
The purpose of the research is to analyze situation with control measures against animals with ectoparasitoses by the means of bringing environmentally safe and easy to use medicinal products to animal industry. Materials and methods. Literature has been studied and situation on extension of the major parasitic arthopods in animals have been analyzed in the Republic of Belarus. Evaluation of results of administration of Stomozan, Ektocin-5, Ratoks, Pharmacidol-600 as well as Rivertin, Univerm, aversectin paste and Pharmacine. Results and discussion. It is necessary to carry out disinfestation of outer walls, summer sheds, fences by the means of Stomozan, Ektocin-5, Ratoks, Pharmacidol-600 in order to eliminate parasitic insects and mites. Animals might be treated by these drugs. During the winter animals are treated by insect-powder, unctures, liniments. At the onset of warm weather animals are treated by liquid acaricides at all times. Drugs from the pyrethroids, macrocyclic lactone, organic sulphur-containing compound groups are administered more frequent. But summer spraying do not guarantee 100 % impact against gadfly diseases. For horse treatment Rivertin can be used in the dose of 0.1 mg per kg of animal body weight per os with food dualfold in 24 hours; Univerm can be used in the dose of 0.1 mg per kg per os with food dualfold in 24 hours; 2% Aversectin paste can be used in the dose of 1 g per 100 kg of body weight per os dualfold every other day. Pharmacine in the single dose of 0.4 ml (2 injections of 0.2 ml) intradermally in the neck is recommended to use for treatment of hypodermatosis. Intradermal administration of Pharmacine is effective during the period from September, 15 to March (as far as swellings are appeared under the skin). If larvae formed velum under the skin, the dose should be increased.


  • It is necessary to carry out disinfestation of outer walls, summer sheds, fences by the means of Stomozan, Ektocin-5, Ratoks, Pharmacidol-600 in order to eliminate parasitic insects and mites

  • Literature has been studied and situation on extension of the major parasitic arthopods in animals have been analyzed in the Republic of Belarus

  • For horse treatment Rivertin can be used in the dose of 0.1 mg per kg of animal body weight per os with food dualfold in 24 hours; Univerm can be used in the dose of 0.1 mg per kg per os with food dualfold in 24 hours; 2% Aversectin paste can be used in the dose of 1 g per 100 kg of body weight per os dualfold every other day

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Анализ и обзор состояния мер борьбы с паразитическими членистоногими Республики Беларусь. Станислав Иванович Стасюкевич 1, Вячеслав Александрович Патафеев 2, Юлия Александровна Столярова 3, Дана Станиславовна Кузнецова 4. Цель исследований: провести анализ состояния мер борьбы с эктопаразитозами животных путем обеспечения животноводства экологически безопасными, удобными в применении лекарственными средствами. Для лечения лошадей можно использовать ривертин внутрь с кормом в дозе 0,1 мг/кг массы тела животного двукратно через 24 ч, универм внутрь с кормом в дозе 0,1 мг/кг двукратно через 24 ч, аверсектиновую пасту 2% внутрь в дозе 1 г/100 кг массы тела двукратно через сутки. Внутрикожное введение фармацина является эффективным в период с 15 сентября по март (до появления желваков под кожей). С. Анализ и обзор состояния мер борьбы с паразитическими членистоногими Республики Беларусь // Российский паразитологический журнал.

Materials and methods
Results and discussion
Материалы и методы
Результаты и обсуждение
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