
This paper presents the switching transients of medium-voltage low-harmonic filter banks, which have alower back-to-back inrush current and higher transient recovery voltage (TRV) compared with capacitor banks. The switching transients of the filter banks are described by the analytical approach and field measurements for 150 MVA back-to-back filter banks are provided to support the switching phenomena described in this paper. As a mitigation measure of the high transient recovery voltage, a double-breaker type switchgear is analyzed in terms of the operating sequence and the time of the upper and lower breakers. From the analyses, an operation scheme for the double-breaker switchgear is proposed to avoid insulation failure of the breaker during the interruption by mitigating the transient recovery voltage across each breaker.


  • A switchboard with a double circuit breaker structure is proposed, where two circuit breakers are connected in series to the switchboard, and the breaker damage caused by the transient recovery voltage can be minimized by sharing the transient recovery voltage with the two ciErnceurgiitesb2r02e0a, k13e, rxsF.OTR hPEeERswREiVtcIEhWboard consists of a bus vacuum circuit breaker (VCB), w12hofic1h5 is an upper breaker, and a load VCB, which is a lower breaker

  • This paper addressed the difference between the capacitor bank and the harmonic filter bank and analyzed the transient characteristics during back-to-back switching

  • The switching transients of the filter banks are described by the analytical approach and field measurements for 150 MVA back-to-back filter banks were provided to support the switching phenomena described in the paper

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