
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural approach which uses basic construction in the form of services to support rapid system development at low cost and has the ease of managing the composition of distributed applications even in heterogeneous environments. PT Argo Kencana Transindo (PT AKT) is a company in the field of transportation services or freight forwarding. Until now, the company in carrying out its operations still uses an information system that is only integrated with computerized applications, namely Microsoft excel, Microsoft word and also a simple system but there is no information system that is integrated between departments to be able to manage a lot of existing work. For the trucking industry, fast and efficient delivery times are essential to meet customer needs and maintain competitiveness in a competitive market. Facing the opportunity of changing business process needs in the future, SOA offers adaptive and reactive to the environment and offers solutions to business complexity, system diversity and technology. This research analyzes and designs SOA using the SOMA method which is expected to contribute to making it easier to integrate with other systems and services, helping to streamline communication and data sharing throughout the supply chain, leading to more efficient and effective operations.

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