
ZnTe has a favorable band alignment with CdTe and is an ideal buffer between CdTe and metal contacts used in photovoltaics. Using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, we report epitaxial growth of ZnTe thin films on 2D substrates, namely, single crystal graphene on amorphous SiO2/Si and freshly cleaved mica(001). Despite the large in-plane lattice mismatches between ZnTe and graphene (∼75%) and between ZnTe and mica(001) (∼17%), X-ray pole figure analyses show preferred epitaxial alignments with the out-of-plane orientation along [111] for ZnTe films on both substrates. For ZnTe on graphene, besides the primary in-plane orientation of [1¯10]ZnTe//[11¯]graphene, two secondary in-plane orientations rotating ±25.28° away from the primary domain are found. A geometrical superlattice area mismatch (GSAM) model is implemented to explain the existence of the primary and secondary domains in ZnTe on graphene. For ZnTe on mica(001), only one in-plane orientational domain is found experimentally with the epitaxial relationship of [1¯10]ZnTe//[100]mica (or [1¯10]ZnTe//[21¯1¯0]mica if four-index notation is used for mica). However, the prediction of domain orientation between ZnTe and mica(001) based on the GSAM model slightly deviates from that observed experimentally. Furthermore, it should be noted that multiple order twinning domains of the primary domain are observed in both ZnTe films. While coexisting with the primary domain, each of the twinning domains is still epitaxially aligned with respect to the substrate. The in-depth understanding of ZnTe's epitaxial behaviors on graphene and mica(001) provides a valuable guidance for future studies on epitaxy of 3D zinc-blende overlayers on 2D hexagonal substrates.

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