
Multimodality in teaching is gaining more attention in contemporary research and sci- entific literature. It is a special communication that relies on modes, such as pictures, graphs, audio, videos, maps, etc. which by combination create certain meanings in order for the modes to be adequately combined, multimodal literacy is necessary. The aforementioned literacy in teaching helps students to create multimodal texts and tasks in a digital environment. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to examine how first and second-year students of Hispanic Studies at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade manage in a digital environment working on a multimodal task, as well as how they use digital tools and the Spanish language. Student pres- entations were exhibited and recorded via the Zoom platform, and data were collected through the observations of the researcher. Also, the research method used for research purposes is the analysis of authentic teaching materials. First-year students presented a topic about health in Spanish via the Moodle platform, while second-year students presented and created their own virtual tour in Spanish using the Padlet platform. For the analysis of multimodal activities, the criterion related to the use of modes and the creation of multimodal texts was used. The results of the analysis showed that most students were successful in creating multimodal activities, that they used mods in a creative way and that in this case it was possible to implement this type of activity because the students of this faculty and the study program are adapted to fre- quent application of new technologies on assignments using the Spanish language.

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