
The purpose of this study wereto determine the effect usage of gasoline heating through a capillary tube which is radial finned in the upper tank of radiator on fuel consumption and exhaust emissions of CO and HC in the engine of Toyota Kijang.This study is experimental. The sample in this study was the machine of Toyota Kijang with machine number 7855290. Free variable of the research is the usage of fuel heating with fin variations on the copper capillar tube consist of copper capillar tube without fin, finned copper capillar tube with the ranges between the fins are 10 mm, 20 mm, and 30 mm and variations of engine speed at 1000 r.p.m., 2000 r.p.m., and 3000 r.p.m. Experimental method to measure the fuel consumption is done by recording the time required for spent fuel 50 cc and exhaust emissions of CO and HC in the engine of Toyota Kijang.The result of this research shows that the average consumption at engine speed 1000 r.p.m. on the normal condition Toyota Kijang has average fuel consumption 32,066×10-3 cc per cycle. In the usage of fuel heating using three copper tubes with the range between the fins is 10 mm fuel consumption by 25,174×10-3 cc per cycle. Fuel consumption decreased by 6,892×10-3 cc per cycle or 21,58%. At engine speed 2000 r.p.m. on the normal condition Toyota Kijang average consumption 38,487×10-3 cc per cycle. In the usage of fuel heating using three copper tubes with the range between the fins is 10 mm fuel consumption by 28,121×10-3 cc per cycle. Fuel consumption decreased by 10,366×10-3 cc per cycle or 26,93%. At engine speed 3000 r.p.m. on the normal condition Toyota Kijang average consumption 36,783×10-3 cc per cycle. In the usage of fuel heating using three copper tubes with the range between the fins is 10 mm fuel consumption by 31,187×10-3 cc per cycle. Fuel consumption decreased by 5,596×10-3 per cycle or 15,21%. The conclusion of this research is the usage of fuel heating using three copper tubes with the range between the fins is 10mm in the upper tank of radiator can reduce the biggest lowers fuel consumption on the Engine of Toyota Kijang 1989.This research also shows that: the usage of fuel heating use 3 finned copper tubes in the upper tank of radiator can reduce the highest level on exhaust emissions of CO and HC in the engine of Toyota Kijang. The different of CO exhaust emission is 2,54 % volume or 85 % while the HC exhaust emission is 139,667 ppm volume or 72 %.


  • PENDAHULUAN Sumber daya energi merupakan sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbaharui (Unrenewable Resources).Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) merupakan salah satu sumberdayaenergi tersebut.Tanpa disadari persedian BBM di Indonesia semakin menipis.Persediaan BBM menipis tiap tahunnya.Kehadiran kendaraan bermotorsangatlah penting, tetapi juga timbul suatu permasalahan seperti kecelakaan, kemacetan dan pencemaran udara.Pencemaran udara yang dimaksud adalah gas bekas yang keluar dari knalpot kendaraan bermotor dan mengandung unsur-unsur yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan serta merusak lingkungan dalam bentuk polusi udara

  • The purpose of this study wereto determine the effect usage of gasoline heating through a capillary tube which is radial finned in the upper tank of radiator

  • experimental. The sample in this study was the machine of Toyota Kijang with machine number 7855290

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Semakin tinggi ledakan maka gerakan piston dari

Dengan semakin cepatnya gerakan torak ini, maka untuk mencapai kecepatan tertentu akan lebih cepat sehingga bahan bakar yang diperlukan lebih sedikit. Karbon monoksida mudah terbakar dan menghasilkan lidah api berwarna biru, menghasilkan karbon dioksida.Gas CO ini bersifat racun bagi tubuh karena bila masuk ke dalam darah, CO dapat bereaksi dengan Hemoglobin (Hb) untuk membentuk karboksihemoglobin (COHb). Dari penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pemanasan bahan bakar melalui pipa pada upper tank radiator mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar. Dari penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa dengan pemanasan bahan bakar pada suhu 500C, pemakaian elektroliser akan meningkatkan penghematan bahan bakar 11 s.d. 12%. Di dalam upper tank radiator akan ditambahkan pipa kapiler bersirip transversal, baik untuk profil persegi maupun radial pada tiga pipa kapiler dengan menggabungkan elektroliser pada sistem ini. Dari penambahan pipa kapiler dan elektroliser, akan dianalisis pengaruhnya terhadap konsumsi bahan bakar dan emisi gas buang COdan HC yang dihasilkan. 2) Elektroliser Air 3) Gelas Ukur, digunakan untuk mengukur konsumsi bahan bakar bensin

Pengukuran Konsumsi Bahan Bakar
Saringan Bahan Bakar
Indikator Kontrol
Elektroliser Air
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