
Language is a symbol of sound used by humans to interact with other humans which contains meaning. Language is acquired when the child is still a toddler. Language acquisition is acquired naturally when the child learns the first language. This study aims to describe vowels and consonants in early childhood at the phonological level. Many children at an early age still have difficulties or are not clear about pronouncing vowels and consonants. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method which aims to describe the acquisition of language in early childhood at the phonological level related to vowels and consonants, while the technique used in this study is that the researcher makes observations then the researcher records what the child is saying. After that, the researcher wrote the utterance to be researched. The results obtained in this study are that there are difficulties in the vowel phoneme /ә/ and consonants /r/, /s/, /k/, /c/, /η/, /q/ and there are many simplifications of words such as [sepeda]. becomes [pedah], [becak] becomes [ta] changes consonant / c / to / t /, [tangan] becomes [anan], [motor] becomes [otol], [bunda] becomes [nda].

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