
This study aims to identify and analyze marketing channels, marketing margins, farmer share levels, marketing efficiency and cattle marketing strategies in Batubara Regency. This research was conducted in May - June 2017. The research location was selected by purposive sampling and carried out in 3 (three) districts, Lima Puluh, Sei Suka, and Medang Deras Districts. The research respondents were taken by classified random sampling as many as 85 cattle farmers, and the sample of traders selected by snowball ball sampling were 11 local collectors and 2 large traders. Data analysis was performed descriptively quantitative. The results showed that there were 4 channels formed from marketing institutions namely marketing channel I (breeder-local collecting agent-big-slaughterer), marketing channel II (breeder - local-consumer collecting agent), marketing channel III (breeder-collecting agent local-traders outside the region) and marketing channels IV (breeder-consumer / butcher). The highest marketing margin is in channel I and the lowest is in marketing channel IV. The highest portion received by farmers occurred in marketing channel IV by 100% and the lowest occurred in marketing channel I. Marketing channel IV was the most efficient channel seen from the calculation of the efficiency index.


  • Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis saluran pemasaran, margin pemasaran, tingkat bagian peternak, efisiensi pemasaran dan strategi pemasaran sapi di Kabupaten Batubara

  • This study aims to identify and analyze marketing channels, marketing margins, farmer share levels, marketing efficiency and cattle marketing strategies in Batubara Regency

  • The results showed that there were 4 channels formed from marketing institutions namely marketing channel I (breeder-local collecting agent-big-slaughterer), marketing channel II (breeder - local-consumer collecting agent), marketing channel III (breeder-collecting agent local-traders outside the region) and marketing channels IV (breeder-consumer / butcher)

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The Analysis of Cattle Marketing in Batubara District

Fahrizal Irham1), Hasnudi2), Rasmulia Sembiring3), Tumpal H.S. Siregar4) 1) Program Studi Magister Agribisnis, Pascasarjana, Universitas Medan Area. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis saluran pemasaran, margin pemasaran, tingkat bagian peternak, efisiensi pemasaran dan strategi pemasaran sapi di Kabupaten Batubara. Lokasi penelitian dipilih secara purposive sampling dan dilakukan di 3 (tiga) kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Lima Puluh, Sei Suka, dan Medang Deras. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 4 saluran yang terbentuk dari lembaga pemasaran yaitu saluran pemasaran I (peternak–agen pengumpul lokal–pedagang besar-jagal), saluran pemasaran II (peternak – agen pengumpul lokal-konsumen), saluran pemasaran III (peternak–agen pengumpul lokal-pedagang luar daerah) dan saluran pemasaran IV (peternak–konsumen/jagal). Margin pemasaran tertinggi terdapat pada saluran I dan yang paling rendah terdapat pada saluran pemasaran IV. Bagian yang diterima peternak tertinggi terjadi pada saluran pemasaran IV sebesar 100% dan yang paling rendah terjadi pada saluran pemasaran I. Saluran pemasaran IV merupakan saluran yang paling efisien dilihat dari hasil penghitungan indeks efisiensi.

HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Peternakan Sapi di Kabupaten Batubara
Tanjung Tiram
Pedagang Luar Daerah
Biaya Pemasaran
Net Margin Pemasaran
Harga Tingkat Akhir
Komoditi Sapi
Price Spread
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