
The increase in village development is influenced by development planning carried out, one of which is through village musrenbang activities. This study aims to describe the implementation of the village musrenbang and the increase in development in Gayam Village, Gurah District, Kediri Regency. This research is included in descriptive qualitative research. With data collection techniques through direct observation, unstructured interviews, and documentation in the form of photos and written information. The research subjects involved 6 people who were the village secretary, heads of RW 6, and 4 people. There are six principles used in village development planning according to (Ariadi, 2019) including: 1) participation, the community is actively involved in village development. 2) transparency, the village government is transparent about development information that needs to be conveyed to the community. 3) selective, selection problems are carried out according to the needs of the community in each region. 4) accountable, accountability is shown through the stages that are passed from planning to budget realization. 5) empowerment, focused on empowering rural communities to develop tourism potential of Pancar Wonotirto and rest areas. 6) sustainability, development is carried out in an integrated manner gradually so that the benefits can be felt by the community. Based on the research conducted, information is obtained that the cooperation of all elements in the community is very good. Starting from the village government, village institutions and the community. All parties have a contribution in village development. To support the implementation of development in the village, relationships between elements of society need to be maintained by maintaining good communication. Keywords: musrenbang, planning, village

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