
Krueng Aceh River Basin area (Krueng Jreue Sub-watershed) is a critical watershed, including a priority basin I of 23,218.06 ha. The research was conducted in Krueng Aceh River Basin (DAS), Krueng Jreue Sub-district of Aceh Besar. The study was conducted from December 2015 to February 2016. The research used Descriptive method with field survey and analysis in labotarium. This study aims to analyze the water balance of land in Krueng Jreue Sub-watershed. The methods used in the calculation of the water balance are Thornthwaite & Mather (1957). The results showed that the average water availability in Krueng Jreue Sub-watersheds on the highest land use varieties was found in November and the lowest in July. The rainfall surplus occurred from October to April (7 months) and the deficit occurred from May to September (5 months). In various types of land use, ground water averages are quite available from October to May (8 months), while less available in June until September (4 months). The highest percentage of groundwater was found in the primary forest (47.20%), while the lowest was in the bush (36.36%)


  • Krueng Aceh River Basin area (Krueng Jreue Sub-watershed) is a critical watershed, including a priority basin I of 23,218.06 ha

  • This study aims to analyze the water balance of land in Krueng Jreue Sub watershed

  • The results showed that the average water availability in Krueng Jreue Sub watersheds on the highest land use varieties was found in November and the lowest in July

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Total erosi dan laju erosi di Sub

DAS Krueng Jreue masing- masing adalah 8.029.045,59 ton ha-1 tahun-1 dan 345,81 ton ha-1tahun-1, katagori berat Erosi aktual dan erosi potensial terbesar dijumpai pada penggunaan lahan semak belukar yaitu 1.390,21 ton ha-1 tahun-1 dan 4.634,05 ton ha-1 tahun-1 (Siswanda, 2014).Model Soil and Water Assesment Toll (SWAT) memprediksikan dalam kurun waktu 8 tahun (1993 – 2000), Sub DAS Krueng Jreue setiap tahunnya meningkatnya aliran permukaan 2,4% dan laju erosi 2,3%. Pada setiap peningkatan 1% curah hujan (Ferijal, 2012), dan meningkatnya koefisien aliran permukaan dari 0,12 pada tahun 2006 menjadi 0,24 pada tahun 2012 (Basri et al, 2013). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui air masuk dan keluar dari Sub. DAS Krueng Jreue dan dengan adanya penelitian ini dampak negatif dan resiko kerusakan banjir dan kekeringan dapat diminimalisir

Lokasi dan waktu Penelitian Penelitian dilaksanakan di Daerah
Des emb er
Hutan primer
KESIMPULAN Rerata ketersediaan air di Sub
Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai
Nilai ekonomi ketersediaan hasil air dari Sub DAS Krueng Jreue
Krueng Jreue Kabupaten Aceh
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