
<p>Regulasi mengenai komoditas beras yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah, yaitu Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan No:57/M-DAG/ PER/8/2017 tentang penetapan harga eceran tertinggi (HET) beras dan Peraturan Menteri Pertanian No.:31/Permentan/PP.130/8/2017 tentang standar mutu beras menjadi dasar pelaksanaaan kegiatan identifikasi mutu beras terhadap beras produksi gabungan kelompok tani (Gapoktan) dan kelompok tani (Poktan) selaku Lembaga Usaha Pangan Masyarakat (LUPM) dalam kegiatan Pengembangan Usaha Pangan Masyarakat (PUPM). Kegiatan PUPM tersebut diselenggarakan pemerintah untuk stabilisasi harga dan pasokan beras melalui peran serta Toko Tani Indonesia Center (TTIC) sebagai lembaga distribusi beras kepada masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi kelas mutu beras yang dihasilkan LUPM dan mengevaluasi penanganan pascapanen padi di tingkat LUPM. Survey dilakukan terhadap enam responden dari populasi 80 LUPM pemasok beras ke TTIC. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi di lapangan, dan pengambilan contoh gabah dan beras berdasarkan metode SNI 19-0428-1998. Analisis mutu berdasarkan metode SNI 01-0224-1987 untuk gabah dan SNI 6128:2015 untuk beras giling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari enam beras yang diproduksi responden, tidak ada yang memenuhi persyaratan kelas mutu sesuai Peraturan Menteri Pertanian No.:31/Permentan/ PP.130/8/2017 karena kadar air yang tinggi, jumlah butir patah dan butir menir yang lebih tinggi, serta persentase beras kepala dan derajat sosoh yang lebih rendah dari persyaratan. Faktor-faktor kritis yang berpengaruh terhadap rendahnya mutu beras LUPM adalah penggunaan varietas padi jenis panjang dan ramping, metode perontokan cara gebot, kadar air gabah kering giling terlalu rendah (11.5-13.0%), ruang penyimpanan gabah lembab (RH udara 79-87%), penyimpanan gabah tanpa menggunakan alas, pengendalian mutu pengeringan dan penggilingan secara subyektif, dan teknologi mesin penggilingan padi yang masih sederhana. </p><p> </p><p><strong>Analysis of rice quality and assurance system implementations in Society of Agrifood Bussiness Development Program</strong></p><p>Regulations on rice applied by the government, namely the Regulation of Minister of Trade No:57/M-DAG/PER/8/2017 about the highest selling price for milled rice, and the Regulation of Minister of Agriculture No:31/Permentan/PP.130/8/2017 about milled rice quality standard, has becoming legal aspects to identification of milled rice quality parameters to the rice produced by farmers group as a Society of Agrifood Bussiness Institution (LUPM) in a Society of Agrifood Bussiness Development (PUPM) program. This program held by the government for stabilization of price and supply of milled rice supported by Center of Indonesian Farmer Store (TTIC) as a distribution institution of milled rice to consumers. Te objectives of this study are to identify the quality of milled rice produced by LUPM and to evaluate the paddy postharvest handling in the LUPM. Survey was conducted on six respondents from total of 80 LUPMs rice supplier population. Data collecting was conducted through interviews, field observations, and sampling of rice and milled rice based on SNI 19-0428-1998 for solid sampling instructions. Laboratory quality analysis was conducted based on the method in SNI 01-0224-1987 for rice and SNI 6128:2015 for milled rice.It was oberved that the six milled rice samples produced by the respondents were not qualified to the quality standard in the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No.:31/Permentan/PP.130/8/2017 because of higher moisture content, higher broken rice and small broken rice, and lower head rice, and lower milling degree compared to the requirements. Critical factors influenced to the milled rice quality were the used of long grain paddy variety, manual threshing, too low moisture content of rice (11.5-13.0% MC), high relative humidity of rice storage facility (air RH 79-87%), lack of pallets in rice bags storage system, subjectivity of operators to control the rice quality during drying and milling process, and the use of milling machines with old technology.</p>

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